Monday, January 28, 2013

Dijon strip steak with KALE

I am hijacking Heidi's long-unused blog to post recipes, per request of fellow dieters, and non-dieters I suppose. I don't know how to make other people contributors but if someone is interested I can look into it. Anyway, I know this diet is allegedly not supposed to be "fun" but I don't see why you can't make food that tastes good and still follows the rules. So, without further ado:

Dijon grass-fed strip steak with KALE
**GENERAL DISCLAIMER: I rarely measure anything precisely, and most of the things on here are just kind of thrown together, so unless stated otherwise, all measurements are approximate. You may find your tastes differ. I will sometimes weigh instead of measure, and make no apologies for listing ingredients in grams at my whim. Get a scale!

Prep time: appx 10 minutes
Cook time: appx 10 minutes
Serves 2-3

1 & 1/2 pounds grass-fed strip steak (appx 2 medium-sized steaks), trimmed & thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1-2 T grapeseed or vegetable oil
Kosher salt & black pepper, to taste
1/2 C chicken stock
1 T fresh thyme
2 T Dijon mustard
appx 6 cups kale, chopped (I know it seems like a ton, but it cooks down a LOT)

1. Season steak with salt & pepper. Heat oil on medium-high heat in a large saute pan until it starts to shimmer. Add the steak and garlic, and saute until steak is seared on the outside.
2. In a separate bowl, mix together the chicken stock, thyme, and mustard. When the steak is sufficiently seared, pour the mixture over the steak & bring to a simmer for a minute or so, stirring.
2. Add the kale to the pan and cook, stirring often & mixing thoroughly, until the kale is tender (about 2 minutes or so), then remove from heat. If desired, leave liquid in pan and cook to thicken before pouring over mixture. Serve immediately.