Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Good thing I have a Masters in Chemical Science to fall back on...

I attempted to create the nails shown here: http://www.refinery29.com/nail-art-tricks/slideshow?page=1#slide-1, but quite clearly I didn't get the concept of "start swirling". I think I also missed the boat on the "wipe off excess" since no instructions are given on exactly HOW to do that. I didn't want to ruin either of my nail polish colors by mixing them on their respective brushes, nor did I want to ruin my Seche Vite by using it to mix the colors. I used the toothpick method. It wasn't spectacular, but it looks alright from far away. It's like a Monet....?

1 comment:

  1. These are so cool! I've never gotten the blending concept either, a toothpick was a good idea!
