Monday, February 4, 2013

Chicken & Kale

Hello slow-carb followers! I have a few recipes to add so that Dave doesn't completely take over my blog. I also cook in a Dave-like fashion where I tend to not measure spices/herbs/seasonings and just throw them in. If it tastes like it needs more, then I add more. Depends on what you like. Don't be skurred. 

Ingredients: Thin-sliced chicken breasts, kale, frozen green beans, chicken stock, italian herbs (oregano, basil, thyme), salt, pepper, garlic powder, navy beans.

Directions: pour a bit of grapeseed oil in a pan and add chicken breasts. sear briefly on both sides. add frozen green beans and enough chicken stock to somewhat cover the chicken breasts. add italian herbs, salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste. once chicken stock is boiling, add kale. mash around until kale wilts.

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