Monday, February 4, 2013

Most of my recipes are random

Chicken, onions, celery, red bell pepper, and spinach seasoned with rosemary garlic. Woo!

Ingredients: thin-sliced chicken breasts cut up into strips, diced celery, onion, and red bell pepper, grapeseed oil, chicken stock, and rosemary and garlic seasoning.

Directions: heat grapeseed oil in pan. add onion and sautee until onions start to get clear. add celery, bell pepper, chicken, and a generous amount of rosemary garlic seasoning. add a smidge of chicken stock. when chicken looks like it is almost cooked, add spinach and turn down heat. cook until spinach is wilted. EAT IT. (I also mixed in some lentils that I had pre-made. Fun times.)

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