Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Quick and Easy Slow-Carb Breakfast Ideas

Spinach Salad with Tuna and Guacamole
Doesn't get much easier than this. Buy a package of spinach or baby spinach from the produce department, get some canned or packaged tuna and put it on top of the spinach (which I like to rip up into smaller pieces), then squeeze out some pre-made guac and mix together. This breakfast salad is super simple and tasty and quick. It was my go-to breakfast while on vacation since my hotel had a mini-fridge.

Egg Whites, Kale, and Baby Portobello Mushrooms
To be honest, the kale and mushroom mix was premade the night before. I sauteed some kale and sliced baby portobello mushrooms with some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and seasoning and put it in the fridge to use for other things. Then in the morning I warmed up the premade mix in a pan and added some 100% Cage Free Egg Whites from Trader Joe's. I also added a little bit of Trader Joe's Bruschetta Mix to the top for extra flavor. The key to success is preparing things ahead of time. Makes breakfast and lunch a lot easier to prepare when half the work is already done ahead of time. Enjoy!

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